Having built many duplex homes in Perth, our builders have the expertise needed to carry out your project with efficiency and care.
A Duplex development consist of two dwellings on one parent lot and is not dissimilar to some aspects of a rear strata development.
The main fundamental difference is that generally a rear strata development retains the existing house as part of the scheme whereas a duplex is constructed on a vacant site. The land area required to accommodate these types of developments generally ranges from 700m2 to 900m2. They are also accompanied by lower density zoning typically from R20 to R30 with limited lot configurations.
Similar to rear strata developments, a duplex is also a popular entry level development for the novice investor, as it allows for partial hold strategies. For this reason, it is important that you utilize experienced duplex builders, so as not to complicate the process unnecessarily.
For the occupier, a duplex is a cost-effective and desirable way of obtaining family orientated housing in areas near established livable neighborhoods with high-grade amenities. This type of housing is always in high demand, thereby reducing its risk profile significantly.